Civil Design

Many clients require an initial indication of engineering requirements on a scheme to allow for costing at bidding stage. We produce details of all the main parameters to allow this to happen, covering drainage strategy, highway strategy design, cut and fill strategy & proposed strategy level information.

Covering comprehensive detailed drainage and highway design along with design of associated works to allow for submissions of technical approvals where applicable as well as tender. The detailed information is taken all the way through approval stage to construction status to allow works on site.

The majority of sites now require solutions to help the prevention of potential future storm water flooding. We design a myriad of SUDS solutions to satisfy the Lead Local Flood Authority during the planning process and beyond.

Carried out on proposed developments to demonstrate where flooding may occur during extreme storm events, this can be used to help inform where changes in design may be required to minimise future flooding.

Required to support the planning process and highlight any existing & potential flooding issues on a proposed development. We liaise with Lead Local Flood Authorities, Water Authorities and Environment Agency.

Whether its roundabout design, road widening schemes, traffic signals or right turn lanes, a number of larger schemes require offsite highway improvement works to the existing highway network. We take the full design process from start to finish including the arranging of and dealing with the Road Safety Audit process.

Looking at the site as a whole, we model the proposed development to establish the estimated volumes of material generated and/or required in the cut and fill process. We work with the client to endeavour where possible to achieve a cut and fill balance

Utilities can have major constraints on a proposed development and so its important these are established very early in the design process. We can source existing utility records on behalf of the client and produce a constraints plan that can be used to help inform the development design.